Calorimeter CWD
The CWD2005 device series (Calorimetry, Wobbe-Index und Specific Density) comprises versions of combustion calorimeters for direct and continuous determination of gas quality from the following measurands and operands:
- Wobbe-lndex
- Specific density
- Heating and combustion values
- Combustion Air Requirement (CARI) and air requirement, with integrated gas analysis
- Energy quantity, with expanded system EMS2005.
The Wobbe index and specific density are measured, and the heating value and combustion value are calculated from these measurements.
When components for gas analysis are added to the CWD2005, the air requirement, or CARI, can also be determined from the analyzed gas composition.
The operating principle of the CWD enables all combustible gas components to be detected, which allows it to be used even for gases with rapidly changing gas composition.