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Progress in Biomethane Mobility

biomethan linkedINOur new gas analyser SIRA is characterised by selective optical measurement technology for methane and will be presented at the conference "Progress in Biomethane Mobility" in Schwäbisch Hall from 11.10. to 13.10.2022.

The amount of energy of the gases used for mobility changes due to the process. For this field of application, we have developed a new type of measuring device with a cross-sensitivity-free multispectral infrared sensor, which exclusively measures the process gas methane.
The measurement results have a very high measurement accuracy, which can be validated and documented fully automatically. In addition, it is possible to send alarm e-mails or SMS when adjustable limit values are exceeded.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing two days full of information with you! You will find us in the new building hall at stand no. 16.

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